
My First Year in College 

You learn a lot when you go to college, and not just what you learn in class. You learn simple characteristics to prepare you for the big people world, and even deeper things you never appreciated. College is like a bike with training wheels, you have a little freedom, but you still have that little support you need.

In college you learn how important family is. When in high school all I thought about was how ready I was to fly out of the nest, but in reality I would crash and burn the moment I jumped out if it wasn't for my parents. All I wanted was to hang out with my friends, go to the major school functions, and party like their was no tomorrow. My dad helped me so much with college searching my senior year, if it wasn't for him getting stuff ready for me to fill out I probably wouldn't have gone to college. For the most part I loved hanging out with my family, but a lot of the time when I heard there was a get together I was almost at everyone of them. I never showed my appreciation to my family until now. College changes you, you become a lot more appreciative. Now in college, only 2 hours away from home I am barely home and when I say barely I mean probably a total of 5 trips not including Christmas break. My family can drive me up the wall, but I miss them like crazy.

In college you learn it's okay to get away from the people you went to high school with. I have bests friends I still communicate with from high school that I love and miss so much. But everyone should get away, they should branch out. I am a perfect distance from home in my opinion, I can still drive home for a weekend to visit my family and close friends. High school is a good beginning to your young life, preparing you for your future in a way.  It is possible you got your first job in high school. High school is also normally where you get your first actual relationship, as well as your first heartbreak. High school shows you how you can become distant your senior year with someone you were best friends with your freshmen year. You also find that some of your best friends will forever be your friends because you still keep in touch with each other now. College can show you can make new friends too and begin new adventures.

In college you learn how important it is to go to class and study your ass off. For me going to Agnes Scott College was like jumping into the deep end of a pool and trying to learn to swim. Not only was I figuring out the life of a college student, but also a college athlete at the same time. Time management is something I am still trying to grasp and it is very important in being successful in college. In college you learn some people are better at things your not good at and vice versa. You must know that you have got to put in effort and STUDY! Not only do you learn to study, but in the process you learn to love caffeine. I use to rarely drink it, but there were some nights I needed to get my shit together and in order to do so I needed my Starbucks energy drink. Of course after nights like these, I have to wake up and continue my day which calls for more caffeine.

In college you learn to budget because well your broke. It is important to stick with a budget, try to limit the amount of times you go out to eat. When another semester rolls around try to reuse the binders you had if they aren't all torn up. Some people are able to work jobs while being a student which can be helpful, even if it's babysitting.

In college you find some of the best people to fall back on when you're homesick or need a shoulder to lean on. I have a great group of soccer sisters that can always turn my day around. I also have great friends outside of my soccer team. I was lucky to find not just friends, but a supportive boyfriend. It is the best feeling to know I can call anyone of them if I need help with anything, even if it's just as simple as blowing off steam. I could not imagine this semester without all the people I have met because it has been so amazing.

I couldn't be more grateful for this first year of college, I hope whether its your first year or senior year in college you have a great next year!

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