Thursday, June 4, 2015

Daily Paris Wear

Here are majority of the outfits I wore in the b-e-a-u-tiful city of Paris. When going on a trip far away and needing to pack light here are a few tips to take into consideration:
1.  Bring layers
2. Bring versatile clothing to mix through out the trip
3. Don't over pack.

When I was packing for this trip I wanted to bring majority of my closet, but sadly I had a 50 lb limit. Not to mention I wanted extra room for gifts and such that I wanted to bring home. So when packing I picked a few of my favorite pieces of clothes to fit the weather forecast. When I picked these out I tried pairing them with other items that could also work with another top or bottom. For example, I used my black skirt for my graphic tee and my denim shirt to create two different outfits. As well as my white blouse for a casual chic look with jeans and for my girly floral skirt. Creating outfits with the same pieces, but in different ways makes packing more fun and simple.

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