Wednesday, April 22, 2015


TANK TOP: Francescas // BLAZER: Found it in my closet // CAPRIS: J Brand // FLATS: The Loft Boutique // EARRINGS: Target// HEADBAND: I made it // PURSE: Target

Since the sun is finally coming out, I broke out my daisy tank I bought for my birthday the beginning of this month. I love daisies, they are probably one of my favorite types of flowers. Which is another reason why I made my floral headband out of daisies. If your interested in how to make your own instead of paying for one, it's simple and a lot more wallet friendly: you need a athletic, stretchy headband, any type of flowers, hot glue gun, and felt. Hot glue the flowers onto the athletic headband one by one, while doing that hot glue a mini circle cut out of felt onto the back to secure the flower. See? Easy peasy! My blazer and shoes were amazing finds when I was visiting home, I forgot all about them until browsing through my closet. Remember Spring is a perfect time to wear tank tops with cute, light-weight cardigans and blazers. Stay Beautiful Lovelies <3 

P.S. Can you tell my hair is lighter from the products I have used from my previous post?

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